Javier Rodriguez Medina
Humanity [eats] Humanity
There’s this newsletter, Thinking Forward by MIT Sloan, that I subscribed to God knows how long ago. A few days …
There’s No Competition at the Bottom
You’ve probably heard there’s no competition at the top. Our professional lives are all about starting at the bottom and …
Mediocrity Pills: Assumptions
Assumptions A healthy relationship assumes nothing; it knows. A strong relationship cultivates, harvests, and pushes to adapt, evolve, and improve. …
Mediocrity Pills: Quick
Quick We live in a culture that venerates and sells speed. Now is better. Real-time is a must. “Could we …
Mediocrity pills: Easy
Easy I find it very funny how some titles are translated from their original language. Allen Carr’s “The Easy Way …
Assisted Idiocy
A draft chapter hosted on my yet-to-be-published book aims to share with the -ever?, yet-to-be-interested reader my take on the …
In Your Own Words (II)
It takes willingness, drive, and definitely some practice to get used to these 3 levels of communication. Eventually, it becomes a habit to be efficiently watered and taken care of.
In Your Own Words (I)
The choice is yours: Take a step back, free your head of the clutter, and gain some perspective.
You were so red, I was so colour blind. Surrounded by Idiots.
Sometimes you just need to put facts into words in case they haven’t been taken into account.