Tiramisu: You’ve got no passion! [Part 2 blue pill]

Spoiler alert (1), if you’ve made it here, you’ve chosen either blue pill or un-passionate spell from Tiramisu: You’ve got no passion! [Part 1].

You’ve chosen the Matrix’s blue pill. If you haven’t seen the film, spoiler alert (2): stop now, watch it, and then return.

However, that isn’t the choice I want to discuss with you today. Have I made that choice in different circumstances before? Indeed, life isn’t a movie, and as you progress and live, you must continually select what you believe is best for you, what you consider the right decision, and what brings you happiness. Making the best decision with the information and abilities I possess is the utmost I strive for.

It’s perfectly acceptable to pause, to give up. However, what I would disagree with myself, and genuinely believe is unhealthy, is attributing all the power to someone, anyone, who crosses your path, doesn’t know you, and doesn’t care about the potentially detrimental impact they may have on you.

Last spoiler alert of the day, the quote below is from a Masterpiece The Great Dictator by Chaplin, if you haven’t wached it, please do!

“[…] don’t give yourselves to brutes – men who despise you – enslave you.”

Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin KBE

Would you like to learn about my choices regarding the blue pill? Let me know! I’ll probably write about them regardless, but I’m genuinely interested in hearing your thoughts and experiences.

If you’re curious about how the Un-Passionate fun spell turned out, click here.